The Bay Area Urban Areas Security Initiative

C-POD Planning Toolkit

The Commodity Point of Distribution (C-POD) Toolkit provides resources to begin and continue planning for the locations members of the public will go to pick up life-sustaining commodities such as food and water during catastrophic interruptions to regular supply chains, such as following an earthquake. The toolkit has been revised and updated as of June 2023 to offer a more robust site plan template and materials to help jurisdictions mature and refine their C-POD planning through further planning, training, and exercise.

This toolkit consists of downloadable, customizable planning templates to support jurisdictions in developing C-POD site plans with optional memoranda of understanding (MOUs), writing local C-POD logistics plans, and holding C-POD site plan validation tabletop exercises (TTXs). Additional items include resource estimation calculators, guidance for developing MOUs, and materials from C-POD Operations and Management (including a condensed version with video) and Disaster Logistics for Practitioners training.